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Four representative frog lung flukes. Haematoloechus coloradensis and H. complexus are second intermediate host specialists where the cercaria can attach to any body region of aquatic arthropods. Haematoloechus parviplexus is a second intermediate host specialist and can only infect dragonfly by passively entering the rectal breathing apparatus, whereas H. longiplexus is intermediate in its host specificity and can infect dragonflies as well as damselflie.
Haematoloechus longiplexus miracidium hatching and penetrating the intestine Gyraulus parvus.
Cercarial behavior of Haematoloechus coloradensis. Attachment, creping, and penetration of damselfly second intermediate host. Haematoloechus complexus metacercariae in non-odonate second intermediate arthropod hosts.
Dragonfly rectal breathing: The typical rout of infection for the cercaria of Haematoloechus parviplexus. H. longiplexus is intermediate in its host specificity and can infect dragonflies as well as damselflies. Cercariae of this species attach to the anal gills of damselflies and enter the rectum. The metacercaria of H. longiplexus is also unencysted!